Tuesday, March 6, 2007

4 Ways to Bring More Traffic to Your Website

By Alan King Platinum Quality Author

Website promotion is top priority for website owners. After all, what is the purpose of having a website if no one will visit it? Because there are so many websites like yours on your World Wide Web, you should take all efforts to promote your website.

You don’t have to have a high budget to effectively promote your website. Even with a small budget, you can still take steps to introduce your site to new visitors. There are also many free ways to promote your site. With a little time and effort, you will begin to notice more hits to your website.

Search Engines, Classifieds and Directories

This is a very basic but powerful tool to bring massive hits to your website. Most web surfers will use directories and search engines to find websites and informational pages that suit their needs. By having your site listed on as many search engines, classifieds, and directories as possible, you are widening your opportunities of being seen.

Your aim is to land on the first page of a search engine when a user types in a certain phrase or keyword. There are several factors that contribute to getting on the first page of the search. It is best to use services like DriveMeHigh.com to ensure that you appear on every search engine, directory, and classifieds out there. Professional website promoters know exactly what it takes to optimize your website for maximum exposure.

Forums and Message Boards

People like to communicate and talk to other people with similar interests. A forum or message board can help them do just that. There are free forum scripts and programs that you can install on your site. Allowing users to carry on discussions will bring them back to your website.

The trick here is to make sure that you make posts and encourage discussion among site visitors. Post as often as you can, and you will see that visitors will begin commenting on the topic and starting topics of their own. You can use the same concept with forums and message boards on other websites. Always place your URL in the signature of every forum that you are part of. More posts mean more exposure.

Email Marketing

This doesn’t have to be complicated or hard to utilize. A simple email subscribe box will suffice. You can find these on many website promotion sites. Offer a newsletter or reminder service so that users can revisit your website whenever new content appears.

Make your subscription as appealing as possible. You can do this by offering something valuable to your visitors. For example, if you offer beauty products on your website, you might want to put together a beauty ezine filled with tips and tricks of applying cosmetics. Always have a link in the email taking them back to your website. Suggest products and pages of your website that they can visit for more information.

Articles and Content

If you have a great product or service on your website, write an article about it. Choose a few keywords and make sure that it appears in the article a few times. This will be picked up by search engines when a user types in that keyword, or something similar.

Having articles and content on your site does a few things. First, it promotes your product in detail. When visitors have more information, they can make a decision to buy. Secondly, search engines may place you on the first page if the content of your site is relevant to what the user has searched.

Lastly, you can also distribute these articles to free article websites. In the resource box, make sure you put information about your website and provide a URL to the site. If a reader is interested in what you have to say, they might just visit your website and make a purchase. Webmasters frequently visit these websites for content to place on their sites. This means more exposure for your website!

Be diligent and put in good effort, and visitors will come. It may take a few weeks to a few months, but as long as you do it right, site traffic will increase and return visitors will be more frequent.

For more information about successful website promotion, please visit us at http://www.drivemehigh.com Try our Free Trial. Everything comes with an unconditional money back guarantee!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_King

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