Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tips For Successful Website Promotion

By Alan King Platinum Quality Author

If you currently have a website or are thinking of starting one, you should know that website promotion is a must. Chances are there are many websites that are similar to yours. To ensure that visitors will see your website, you must actively promote your website as frequently as possible.

There are a number of ways to promote your website that are free or low-cost. No single method will work on its own, so you should consider combining several methods for maximum results.

Submit Your Website Information to Various Sources

For starters, you should submit your website to every search engine, directory, and classified ads sites that you come across. You can do this by visiting the website and entering in your information to be indexed. Popular search engines include Google, Yahoo, and Altavista. There are many other sites, so keep your eyes open.

Whichever site you submit to, make sure your information is correct, accurate, and readable. Your information should also be resubmitted from time to time. For maximum results, you can seek helpful services like DriveMeHigh.com, where you can skip the guesswork and allow the professionals to handle the details.

Fill Your Website with Enjoyable Content

How do you get yourself to rank high on search engines? It can be as simple as filling your website with useful articles. Make sure that articles and content are rich in keywords, but also makes sense to the reader. These search engine optimized content items will help your site rank higher and appear more frequently than those sites without content. This should also be done frequently so that the search engines will constantly crawl your site.

Link and Banner Exchanges

You can also sign up for services that will automate link and banner exchanges so that your banner or link will show up on other relevant websites. You can also do this on your own by contacting websites related to yours to set up arrangements that will be beneficial to you and your new partner. This is a great way to advertise without paying a dime!

Press Releases

Another way to promote your website is by writing a press release. A well-written press release will gain notice from newspapers, popular websites, and other media sources. It can bring you tons of traffic to your site if an extremely high-traffic website takes up your press release. If you don’t have experience in this department, it is best to hire a writer to do it for you. Many press releases are thrown in the trash because it is too advertorial in nature. Done correctly, it can be low-cost way of spreading the word about your website.

Paying for Advertising

If you find a high traffic site that can bring qualified hits to your website, you should consider advertising on that website. Search engines like Google also offers pay-per-click advertising that is targeted by keywords inputted by users. Sometimes, this website promotion method can really add up. You should carefully budget yourself if you decide to pay for advertising.

This method works great because you are guaranteed to be seen by people who might be interested in your website. Some websites sell advertising packages that include banner or text advertising on the website, in conjunction with newsletter or email advertising. Carefully consider your options to make sure that your advertising dollars are stretched as much as possible.

Whichever option you choose, make sure that you are diligent in your website promotion efforts. It may take a few months, but you will definitely notice increased hits to your website!

For more about information about successful website promotion visit http://www.drivemehigh.com Try our free trial. Everything comes with a 100% money back guarantee!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_King

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